Soros has filed a pending motion to dismiss the suit by the former Brazilian soap opera star. 索罗斯正申请停止诉讼。费雷拉是巴西的一名肥皂剧女星。
Shirley: She is an opera star in China. 雪莉:她是中国的戏曲明星。
Ostrich Mao, dance, stage, dance, drama, opera, dance, night clubs, advertising companies, star hotels, night clubs, great applause. 鸵鸟毛在,歌舞,舞台,舞蹈,戏剧,戏曲,舞会,夜总会,广告公司,星级酒店,夜总会,十分叫好。
The pair had arrived separately and didn't sit together during the ceremony at the Royal Opera House, even though Miss Stewart, 19, won the Orange Rising Star award. 当天,这对情侣并没有一起抵达皇家剧院的典礼现场,也没有坐在一起。在颁奖典礼上,19岁的斯图尔特获得最佳新人奖。
Shanghai Opera and Dance Drama Theatre "Star War" is on at Haidian at 7: 30. 上海歌剧舞剧院舞剧团七点半海淀剧院上演<星球大战>。
In a commercial for a milk company, Yi is the center of a romantic triangle featuring China's most famous young soap opera star. 在中国的一段牛奶广告片中(译者注:估计是蒙牛),易建联扮演中国最著名的青年肥皂剧明星,饰演一出三角恋爱的核心。
Opera's new rising star, Anna netrebko. 歌剧界新的后起之秀,安娜雷崔比克。
So when Agatha's mother sent her off to Paris a few years later, for further schooling, it was with the hope that Agatha might one day emerge as an opera star. 也正因为如此,几年之后,当阿加莎的母亲把她送到巴黎继续求学时,满心期望她日后会成为一位歌剧明星。
Meier, blessed with a large and beautiful natural voice, spent years singing at regional opera houses in Germany before becoming an international star. 有着一副美妙响亮的自然嗓音的梅耶尔在成为国际巨星前有很长一段时间在德国地方歌剧院唱歌。
He acted the opera star, who dedicated his life to the love with no return, and was toyed by fate in the changing history. 他扮演一名京剧名角,他把自己的生命奉献给心爱的人,却得不到回报。在变幻的历史中,他受到命运的捉弄。
Study, Yang Hong once attended the photography soap opera "Young Carpenter And Big Star". 学习期间,杨鸿曾参加拍摄电视剧《小木匠与大明星》。
The opera star is a fine bass. 这位歌剧明星是优秀的男低音歌手。
The result was a riot of Chinese opera, Japaneseanime, French maids, Conan the Barbarian and Star Wars. 这里将呈现一场由京剧、日本动漫、法国妹抖、野蛮人柯南和星球大战集结而成的视觉盛宴。
Being an opera star is not all roses by any means. 当上了歌剧明星也决非事事如意。